Dr. Nano Eye Clinic
Clínica de Ojos Dr. Nano
Olivos, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Blas Parera 4201
Olivos, Buenos Aires
(+5411) 4451 4500
This Clinic has been dedicated to eye health for more than 50 years. It is well-known internationally for offering in Argentina the most advanced eye therapy, with high technology and excellent quality professionals. It covers prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and teaching through the largest organization in South America: three high complexity clinics: Fundación Oftalmológica Hugo Nano (Hugo Nano Ophthalmological Foundation), Banco de Ojos San Miguel (San Miguel Eye Bank), Centro de Rehabilitación y Capacitación de Personas Ciegas (Blind People Training and Rehabilitation Center.)
Other programs and research are carried out in association with researchers, government organizations, NGOs, and Argentine and international agencies with the purposes of fostering public health policies and research in Argentina and abroad.
This Clinic, which has more than 170 health care professionals and technicians, has state-of-the art technology for surveys and treatment of glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, cataract, cornea transplant, ophthalmologic plastic surgery, poor vision, ophtalmo-pediatrics, and neuro-ophtalmology. It also works with the latest advances in laser treatment for hypermetropy, myopia and astigmatism.
Its quality system is backed by the international ISO 9001:2000 standard. Key systems are guaranteed: out-patients care, additional surveys, hospitalized and out-patients surgery.
- Director
Name: Hugo D Nano
Mail: menano@clinicanano.com.ar, alesaku@clinicanano.com.ar - Commercial Director
Name: Maria Eugenia Nano
Mail: menano@clinicanano.com.ar - Press
Name: Silvia Cerezuela
Mail: grafica@clinicanano.com.ar - Marketing
Name: Silvia Draghi
Mail: sdraghi@clinicanano.com.ar