Diquecito Sanatorium

Diquecito Sanatorium

La Calera, Córdoba, Argentina


Ruta E 55 km 13,5
La Calera

(+54 351) 535-7755 / 60

[email protected]

Sanatorio Diquecito is a pioneer Latin American institution dedicated to healthcare prevention, and treatment of post-modern conditions for over 65 years.

Diquecito was founded in 1946 by Prof. Dr. Paul Busse Grawitz proposed for the Nobel Prize in physiology and medicine. Concerned for the overall health of his patients he was inspired by the european kurhaus treatment model, and adapted it to a concept of prevention and positive health care.

This approach has been carried further with the incorporation of treatments for the new emerging affections, supported by an interdisciplinary team of professionals that while continuing scientific research offer comprehensive health care.

With a transdisciplinary conception and almost 70 years of research we can achieve effective results in a short time, sustainable in the medium and long term thus enhancing the health of patients who rely on us.
We work together with each person to recover a healthy lifestyle and projecting these results to maximize individual wellbeing.


Treatments for:

  • Obesity and Weight reduction
  • Addictions
  • Pre and Post surgical stays
  • Antiaging Medicine
  • Stress and Burn Out
  • Diabetes
  • Quit Smoking
  • Among others
